Villa Maggiore is an island found in Spiritfarer.
A giant Alpine villa that once belonged to Gwen's parents.
- 1 Blueprint Chest can be accessed on the villa’s balcony. It contains Loom Improvement and Music Box.
- 1 Blueprint Chest can be found in the gardener’s house (to the left of the villa house) once the gardener’s shenanigan has been completed. To activate it, after escorting Gwen to the Everdoor walk to the left edge of the villa grounds, where you’ll find the gardener. When you speak to him, he’ll tell you he’s forgotten his key and will try to break the door down. The shenanigan quest in your captain’s log will tell you to let him do his thing. Once the log has changed and tells you to go speak to him again, go back to Villa Maggiore. The gardener will tell you he’s worked it out, and you’ll then be able to get into his house. The chest is inside the house on the right. You’ll get blueprints to upgrade your Garden.
- 1 Rare Chest can be accessed using the Bounce Ability on top of the canopy to the right of the villa grounds, where you spoke with Gwen. The chest is on the villa’s rooftop. It contains Ceramic Bowl x1 and Recipe for Noodle Soup
- 1 Chest can be accessed at the right end of the area. Either use the door to the right of the dock, or step off the to right from the patio. It contains Linen Seed x2 and Old Painting x1.
- 1 Chest can be assessed at the top left of the villa. There is a hidden staircase or you can double jump to get on the floor. It contains Old Carpet x1
- Dive spot under the gardener’s door: Old Coin Collection
Villa Maggiore is likely modeled after the world-famous palazzo on Isola Bella on Lago Maggiore (Lake Maggiore) in Northern Italy.