Spiritfarer Wiki
Spiritfarer Wiki

Tchotchkes is the third category of items in Stella's inventory and consists mostly of all the items that she collects that have no purpose other than to be sold. These items will have "Should be sold." at the end of their descriptions, with the exception of Proof of Purchase: Cow, which is used to create the Cow Stall, and Old Shoe, which is used to create Household Glue.

Some Tchotchkes, such as Old Shoe and Old Carpet, can be obtained through growing Odd Seeds, while most others can be collected from Crates and chests. Gustav, Giovanni, and Stanley will also periodically give Stella Tchotchkes if their mood is high enough. Francis' floating shop is the only place these items can be sold. Old Shoe can also be rarely obtained through Fishing.

Tchotchke Value Description
Old Shoe 8 Glim Soggy and smelly.
Failed Experiment 10 Glim Sometimes, things don't go your way!
Valuable Necklace 350 Glim An exquisite jewel of the highest provenance. Should be sold.
Bovine License 375 Glim Good for 1 mint-condition cow.
Fancy Vase 410 Glim A wonderful item. And It's pronounced "vAAse," not "vAYse." Should be sold.
Valuable Ring 480 Glim A beautiful specimen of the one true ring. But this one doesn't rule anything, except your wallet. Should be sold.
Antique Bust 550 Glim A marvelous classic sculpture. Its eyes may follow you as you pass by. Should be sold.
Ceramic Bowl 645 Glim A delightful bowl, way too precious to put anything in. Should be sold.
Vibrant Necklace 650 Glim Used to find Guardians in another life. It no longer has any use. Should be sold.
Old Painting 780 Glim Oil on canvas, half legible signature, with a display of chiaroscuro and sfumato. Should be sold.
Old Coin Collection 880 Glim The dream of any respectable numismatists. Yes, it's a real word. Should be sold.
Old Carpet 1000 Glim Dusty but precious nonetheless. It makes you slightly dizzy if looked at for too long. Should be sold.
Miniature Diorama 1490 Glim Full of tiny details, and micro facial expressions. Should be sold.
Mint Collectible Card 2000 Glim Sorcery: the Reunion, 1st edition. Let's hope it's a Black Thunder Lotus. Should be sold.
Crystal Chandelier 2500 Glim A brilliant, yet pompous piece. The mover's nightmare. Should be sold.

