Old-Central District is an island found in Spiritfarer.
- 1. Inside the left building, to the left on the top floor: Crystal Chandelier x1
- 2. Inside the middle building, bottom floor to the right: Mint Collectible Card, Recipe for Maple Salmon
- 3. Inside the middle building, on the top floor: Amethyst x1, Recipe for Corn Bread
- 4. Start from the left building, then jump across the platforms on the middle building to reach the roof of the right building (requires Double Jump, Glide and Bounce): Large Glim Bottle x1, Wheat Seed x2
- 5. On the roof of the leftmost building, reached from the roof of the middle building (requires Double Jump, Glide and Bounce): Henry, 8 Years Old portrait
- 6. On window ledge of middle building, reached by gliding from second door/platform on leftmost building Proof of Purchase: Cow x1, Recipe for the French Fries