Spiritfarer Wiki

Relax. Have a drink. Listen to a tune.

The Lounge is a decoration building for Stella's boat that doesn't serve any navigational purpose like the other decorations available. It becomes a place for Giovanni to stay after Astrid kicks him out of her Bungalow.

Even after Giovanni moves in, it is not considered a Spirit House.


Stella is first instructed to build the Lounge by Giovanni during the Request "A Place for Strangers", although it can be built before then.

Although it later serves as Giovanni's home, it is not a unique building and can therefore be built more than once. Constructing additional Lounges will increase the cost by the base cost up to the fourth copy, after which all buildings will cost the same.


Ash Plank

Zinc Ingot

First (Base Cost) 14 10
Second 28 20
Third 42 30
Fourth & up 56 40