Spiritfarer Wiki

Citrine belongs to the Gems category of items found in Spiritfarer.

How to Acquire[]

All gemstones can be acquired through errands from Francis, if the corresponding errands have been unlocked.

Mining Quartz might yield 1 Citrine after acquiring the Improved Tools Ability during the quartz Dragon Event and will yield 1 Citrine if mined on one of the Turtle sisters.

Citrine can be found in the chest on top of Alice's house on Mount Toroyama.

Errands from Francis[]

Errand Requirements Reward
Elemental Transmutation
  •  750 Glim
  • 1 Citrine


Errands from Francis[]

Erannd Requirements Reward
Elena's Stipulation 50000 Glim


In The Diffracted Cabinet, Summer needs 3 of any of the 5 types of Gemstones.
