The Hummingberg Region was inspired by the city of Innsbruck and town of Hallstatt in Austria. The Winter Sub-region was also inspired by the Alps.[1]
The Hummingberg Region is the largest region, and comprises of 2 sub-regions.
The first sub-region consists of green islands east of the Everdoor, and is accessible from the beginning of the game.
- Hummingberg [39, 139]
- Mosstein Cove [78, 130]
- Alt Harbor [43, 40]
- Barkensheim Creek [5, 117]
- Greenhalten Bay [-8, 75]
- Villa Maggiore [-58, 117]
- Albert's Shipyard [61, 64]
The second sub-region consists of blue islands to the north and requires the Icebreaker boat upgrade.
- Loneberg [-40, 192]
- Nordweiler [-3, 185]
- Kalstein Mines [-99, 117]
- Nordsee Pier [-116, 165]
- Susan's Museum [-150, 150]
- ↑ Spiritfarer - The Artbook
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